The Beautiful Misol Island

Misool Island is one of the four major islands in the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua, Indonesia. Its area is 2,034 km ². The highest point is 535 m and the main town is Waigama and has the coordinates 1 ° 53'41 "S 130 ° 5'1" E. Misool Island is located in the district of Misool, Raja Ampat.

Misool Island is directly adjacent to the Seram Sea. This area is located inwestern Papua bird's head and close to the city of sliding. Misool is divided into two parts, namely the southern and eastern Misool Misool west. This area is also famous for the diversity of cultures, customs, sea and land.

Misool islands including coral triangle region of the world and many dozens of ornamental fish present in the sea which is about 75% of ornamental fish and coral triangle's also contained in this Misool area. And this area also has a very wide open seas all, making it the traffic lane large animals such as whales and that octopus.

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