7 Most Deadly Nuclear Weapons

On 6 August, the world commemorates the Atomic bombings of two Japanese cities , Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
Although it is very painful and has killed more than 240,000 people , the bombing by the allies managed to stop World War 2 .

The power of the Hiroshima atom bomb when it "only" 12.5 kilotons of TNT 've made one devastated town .

Since then the use of nuclear weapons are well suppressed , especially post-Cold War between America and the Soviet Union .
But in fact , the fear of nuclear war make other countries co-produced weapon often called the most deadly .

Although not as much of the 1980s , there are still seven nuclear weapons whose existence is feared today .

1. RT-2UTTKh 'Topol-M' (ICBM), Russia
Nuclear Weapons

Russian Topol - M equip weapons with a nuclear warhead ICBM manifold ( Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ) or Inter Continental Missile magnitude of 800 kilotons of TNT .
Which make opponents fear is , Topol - M can accommodate as many as six warheads at once in Sliding !!!
This weapon is also known to be difficult to be destroyed after a rocket launch as it has detractors and additional lightning speed , about 7.3 kilometers per second !!!

2. RSM-56 'Bulava' (SLBM), Russia

Bulava is a type of nuclear weapon SLBM ( Submarine - Launched Ballistic Misile ) 6-10 armed with nuclear warheads of 150 kilotons of TNT bomb magnitude per fruit .
The number was quite scary though nuclear weapons technology is often referred to not as sophisticated missile submarines .

Furthermore , nuclear weapons were officially adopted in 2013 could reach targets as far as 8,000 kilometers and fly up to an altitude of 300 meters .

3. LGM-30G 'Minuteman III' (ICBM), Amerika

Although relatively old nuclear weapons built in 1970 , still a Minuteman III intercontinental nuclear missiles very scary gan . Especially after Replaces with funds no less than USD 7 billion about 10 years ago . The result, now has a warhead Minuteman III 475 kilotons of TNT bomb magnitude is capable of flying at a speed of 8 kilometers per second.

4. R29RMU2 'Layner' (SLBM), Russia

It's her most recent nuclear weapons belonging to the new Russian official ago gan operating in 2014 . Layner itself is more sophisticated than the Bulava and more capable of carrying nuclear warheads .  Imagine , Layner called can carry 12 nuclear warheads with the power of 100 kilotons per piece !!!

5. UGM-133 'Trident II' (SLBM), Amerika-British

Layner R29RMU2 toughest rival Russia's Trident II is jointly owned by America and Britain . Although already in operation since 1990 , is regularly upgraded weapons gan . Not to be outdone by Layner , Trident II can accommodate about 14 nuclear warheads with the power of 475 kilotons of TNT bombs per piece ! Meanwhile , the furthest distance that can dilibas by these weapons reached 11,000 kilometers .

6. Dong Feng-5 (ICBM), China
Intercontinental nuclear missiles China is far from attractive , it is visible from the outside it looks old and not well maintained . But make no mistake gan , nuclear rockets could destroy a small country in a heartbeat . DF - 5 / 5A or Dong Feng 5 is equipped with a nuclear warhead giant with a force equivalent to 5 megatons of TNT bomb !!!

7. R-36M2 'Satan' (ICBM), Russia
Nuclear Weapons
 When talking about the most powerful nuclear weapons , perhaps the answer is this the Russian missile . So dangerous , NATO to call this missile under the name SS - 18 ' Satan ' . No exaggeration , because R - 36m2 has 10 nuclear warheads per fruit with the power of about 750 kilotons of TNT bomb !!! . Speed ​​is estimated to be about 8 kilometers per second and capable of reaching area of 11,000 kilometers away . R - 36m2 Satan until now referred to as a nuclear weapon most feared by Americans . Fortunately , the Russian side said it will retire nuclear weapons in 2019 . The launch of R - 36m2 Satan might be a ' gong ' biggest war committed by mankind .
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