Creating a unique work certainly do not need to spend a lot of money , one example as 10 the following picture . 10 images created fanpage Draw 4 Fun this , resulting from goods that we often encounter .
Ranging from Naruto whose hair is made of leaves , Gaara the sand jug made ​​of beans, Orochimaru the neck snake made ​​of Earphone , Kakashi the hair of shells, and much more .

For more details , you can see 10 characters Naruto funny is made of stuff that we often encounter the following:

cute naruto

cute sasuke

On 6 August, the world commemorates the Atomic bombings of two Japanese cities , Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
Although it is very painful and has killed more than 240,000 people , the bombing by the allies managed to stop World War 2 .

The power of the Hiroshima atom bomb when it "only" 12.5 kilotons of TNT 've made one devastated town .

Since then the use of nuclear weapons are well suppressed , especially post-Cold War between America and the Soviet Union .
But in fact , the fear of nuclear war make other countries co-produced weapon often called the most deadly .

Although not as much of the 1980s , there are still seven nuclear weapons whose existence is feared today .

1. RT-2UTTKh 'Topol-M' (ICBM), Russia
Nuclear Weapons

Russian Topol - M equip weapons with a nuclear warhead ICBM manifold ( Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ) or Inter Continental Missile magnitude of 800 kilotons of TNT .
Which make opponents fear is , Topol - M can accommodate as many as six warheads at once in Sliding !!!
This weapon is also known to be difficult to be destroyed after a rocket launch as it has detractors and additional lightning speed , about 7.3 kilometers per second !!!

2. RSM-56 'Bulava' (SLBM), Russia

Bulava is a type of nuclear weapon SLBM ( Submarine - Launched Ballistic Misile ) 6-10 armed with nuclear warheads of 150 kilotons of TNT bomb magnitude per fruit .
The number was quite scary though nuclear weapons technology is often referred to not as sophisticated missile submarines .

Furthermore , nuclear weapons were officially adopted in 2013 could reach targets as far as 8,000 kilometers and fly up to an altitude of 300 meters .

3. LGM-30G 'Minuteman III' (ICBM), Amerika

Although relatively old nuclear weapons built in 1970 , still a Minuteman III intercontinental nuclear missiles very scary gan . Especially after Replaces with funds no less than USD 7 billion about 10 years ago . The result, now has a warhead Minuteman III 475 kilotons of TNT bomb magnitude is capable of flying at a speed of 8 kilometers per second.

4. R29RMU2 'Layner' (SLBM), Russia

It's her most recent nuclear weapons belonging to the new Russian official ago gan operating in 2014 . Layner itself is more sophisticated than the Bulava and more capable of carrying nuclear warheads .  Imagine , Layner called can carry 12 nuclear warheads with the power of 100 kilotons per piece !!!

5. UGM-133 'Trident II' (SLBM), Amerika-British

Layner R29RMU2 toughest rival Russia's Trident II is jointly owned by America and Britain . Although already in operation since 1990 , is regularly upgraded weapons gan . Not to be outdone by Layner , Trident II can accommodate about 14 nuclear warheads with the power of 475 kilotons of TNT bombs per piece ! Meanwhile , the furthest distance that can dilibas by these weapons reached 11,000 kilometers .

6. Dong Feng-5 (ICBM), China
Intercontinental nuclear missiles China is far from attractive , it is visible from the outside it looks old and not well maintained . But make no mistake gan , nuclear rockets could destroy a small country in a heartbeat . DF - 5 / 5A or Dong Feng 5 is equipped with a nuclear warhead giant with a force equivalent to 5 megatons of TNT bomb !!!

7. R-36M2 'Satan' (ICBM), Russia
Nuclear Weapons
 When talking about the most powerful nuclear weapons , perhaps the answer is this the Russian missile . So dangerous , NATO to call this missile under the name SS - 18 ' Satan ' . No exaggeration , because R - 36m2 has 10 nuclear warheads per fruit with the power of about 750 kilotons of TNT bomb !!! . Speed ​​is estimated to be about 8 kilometers per second and capable of reaching area of 11,000 kilometers away . R - 36m2 Satan until now referred to as a nuclear weapon most feared by Americans . Fortunately , the Russian side said it will retire nuclear weapons in 2019 . The launch of R - 36m2 Satan might be a ' gong ' biggest war committed by mankind .
Yogyakarta is a complete tourist destination , because in Jogja will find culture , architecture , historic relics Jogja even have a beach . lies the beautiful coastal beaches in Jogja located kidul mountain region , where the mountains kidul beaches lined along the beach waiting to be discovered and unexplored . some time ago I 've written nine most beautiful beaches in Yogyakarta , was let settle for ninth mengexplore beauty of the beach takes at least 3 days in order to be satisfied . but how that had little time jogja holidays and could not mengexplore all the beauty of the beach coast in Yogyakarta . jogja still very wide indeed and many tourism destinations , unfortunately that time is spent on the beach alone . here I will melist and recommend 5 beach that must be visited when stopped by the Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta .

1. Pantai Timang

Access to the beach is fairly difficult Timang among other coastal beaches in Gunung Kidul , because to achieve this Timang beach have to go through the entrance into the 40- menitan and recommended for big cars . Unique from Turkish Timang among all beaches in Gunung Kidul because the presence Timang Island as seen from the top of the hill Timang Beach . This Timang island turned out to save , and a nest of lobster , fisherman and locals here have a unique way to take lobster lobster in this Timang Island . by making the cable car that connects the hill in Turkish Timang Timang to the island , and the connecting strap ( Traditional firefox ) is very unique , because it is made manually . for those who want meyebrang Timang Island welcome to tourists there at a cost of Rp 100,000 ($0.9 USD)

Indonesia Beach

2.  Frog Watu (Watu Kodok)

Gunung Kidul is one of the districts in Yogyakarta Province with administrative center located in Wonosari . This district is frequently in sambangi tourists visiting Yogyakarta as have dozens of exotic beaches to the south coast. One of the beaches with no less beauty of the beaches on the island of gods is Watu Frog beach , beach located in the village Kemadang , Tanjung Sari sub-district , Gunung Kidul was opened and developed by the local community as a tourist destination in 2009 at a cost NGOs.

3. Wedi Ombo Beach

Wedi Ombo Jepitu located in the village, about 40 km southeast of Wonosari. Wedi Ombo beach flanked by a wide bay with soft white sand overlooking the sea and surrounded by limestone hills. The sound of the waves and the refreshing breeze coast created a relaxing atmosphere. Bay can be seen from the top of a hill or even on the coast, where we can see the sunset and the scenery is incredible. For visitors who like fishing, Wedi Ombo is the right choice.
Once a year the traditional fishing Ngalangi ceremony held here. In this ceremony, the Wedi Ombo take root tree called wawar of Kedungdowok hill and together they pulled out to sea to be used as fishing nets. near the beach Wedi Ombo there Gremeng Beach and Beach Jungwok and Kalong Island, a small island inhabited by thousands of bats. if we come at the right time of the season to the beach Wedi Ombo, lots of sea urchins and mussels can we find the edge of the beach, and we could even ask for cooking seafood at the beachside stall point.

4. Pulang Sawal / Indrayanti Beach

If the three beaches above you do not have time to visit, then came to the beach Home Sawal or commonly known Indrayanti beach is the beach that is quite popular and mainstream, this beach is known because many cottages are located in this area. and the beach is applying fines for littering, the actual views of the beach is mediocre, if we look from the shore. but the special is the view from the hill located to the right of the beach, take the hilltop and this beach picture from above. so that the view that we get pretty well.
Home beach Sawal or popularly known as Indrayanti Beach is located in the coastal district of Gunung Tepus Sundak districts. White sandy beaches which extend from East to West, this relatively new and quite beautiful. Besides beautiful, the beach area is clean enough, and including the most expensive lodgings in this area. and the drag and should be imitated by other coastal areas in Indonesia because this coastal managers impose a fine on each of its visitors when caught littering.

tourists can play at the shore of sea water play and enjoying the waves or you can also sunbathe, others are enjoying the watersport activities such Jetsky provided for visitors. In the western part of the entrance to the beach, there are mountains of rock that is quite large and elegant. Behind the rock there is a white sandy beach that is wide enough. I like here is that visitors can relax in the gazebo on the shore while enjoying dishes accompanied by cold drinks cool. Coastal managers also provides a venue for groups or families, so that the visitors can relax at the beach area while enjoying a night on the beach.
Indonesia Beach
5. Baron Beach
Located 60 km southeast of Jogjakarta, lined with lush green palm trees, Baron has a protected lagoon, safe for swimming, with prominent rocky hills on each side. Baron cave is actually an estuary of an underground river that appears exactly on the waterfront and interesting to see from the cliffs above. Baron Beach is the first beach that is found at the intersection of Baron, Kukup, Throughout, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.
Here we can see many fisherman sell their catch fresh fish from the sea, and here there are restaurants on the beach and ready to cook the fish for the tourists who come. Here we can also see a row of fising boats lined up neatly and unique blue this ship. Approximately 10 km west of Beach Parang racukBaron, in the mountains of Gunung Kidul there is also seen Hill which has scenic views of Baron and the surrounding area. Every month of Suro (Javanese calendar the first month), fishing communities organize a harbor, the sea offering ceremony to thank the Lord for the abundant harvest of fish and for the safety and welfare of fishermen.
Sumber : By Bheka (Barry Kusuma) Kaskus

Kakaban island is part of the Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The island has an area of 774.2 hectares (1,913 acres) and is quite steep. Its' limestone cliffs are covered with dense jungle right down to the water's edge. The wall drops to 180 metres (590 ft), and currents can be strong with upwelling, downcurrent and reversing directions.

The most distinctive feature is the huge brackish water lake in the middle of the island, in the local dialect Kakaban means "hug" as the island hugs the lake from the surrounding seawater.

Indonesia Beach

Sumber :
Misool Island is one of the four major islands in the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua, Indonesia. Its area is 2,034 km ². The highest point is 535 m and the main town is Waigama and has the coordinates 1 ° 53'41 "S 130 ° 5'1" E. Misool Island is located in the district of Misool, Raja Ampat.

Misool Island is directly adjacent to the Seram Sea. This area is located inwestern Papua bird's head and close to the city of sliding. Misool is divided into two parts, namely the southern and eastern Misool Misool west. This area is also famous for the diversity of cultures, customs, sea and land.

Misool islands including coral triangle region of the world and many dozens of ornamental fish present in the sea which is about 75% of ornamental fish and coral triangle's also contained in this Misool area. And this area also has a very wide open seas all, making it the traffic lane large animals such as whales and that octopus.

Indonesia Beach
Sumber :
Indonesia Beach

In my article this time , I will discuss about the place - a place you should visit in Indonesia , check this out

Ada gula ada semut. Jika melihat besarnya komisi yang dihasilkan maka pasti banyak yang tertarik dengan profesi ini. Tetapi dalam prosesnya, banyak yang putus asa di tengah jalan karena hasil yang didapat tidak semudah yang “dilihat”. Mengapa? Karena memang menjadi seorang broker properti itu tidaklah semudah yang terlihat. Banyak tantangan – tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Oleh karena itu perlu seorang Mentor yang telah berpengalaman untuk membantu seseorang memulai dan menjalani prosesnya. Kita perlu mempunyai komitmen dalam menjalaninya. Seorang Mentor yang berpengalaman akan mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan.

1. Media Sarang Semut
Jumlah semut dalam satu sarang bervariasi, rata-rata antara 4.000 sampai 6.000 individu. Dan kumpulan beberapa sarang membentuk sebuah Koloni. Namun yang perlu diingat bahwa awal mula terbentuknya sebuah Koloni berasal dari sebuah sarang. Pemahaman ini penting untuk menghindari perang antar koloni semut.

Cara ternak kroto atau budidaya semut rangrang memang bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu peluang bisnisrumahan yang sangat menjanjikan karena kroto merupakan salah satu makanan burung kicau paling berkualitas. Banyak para kicaumania lebih memilih kroto sebagi makanan pendongkrak stamina burung agar lebih rutin bernyanyi. Setau saya kroto sendiri tidak dapat diawetkan dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan biasanya para kicau mania lebih menyukai kroto yang masih segar atau baru di panen. hampir diseluruh wilayah di indonesia banyak kita temukan para pecinta burung kicau dan pastinya mereka sangat membutuhkan kroto sebagai makanan untuk burung peliharaan mereka. Seperti yang kita tau saat ini harga kroto sangat mahal sekali dan sangat sulit kita temukan bahkan beberapa kicau mania rela membeli kroto yang harganya mahal demi burung kesayangan mereka, jika anda dapat memanfaatkan hal ini tentunya akan sangat menguntungkan

Dalam postingan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang strategi bisnis , ada banyak macam strategi bisnis , diantaranya yang di jelaskan oleh Michael E. Porter , ada banyak macam strategi bisni dan Michael E. Porter merangkumnya jadi tiga jenis umum yang memberikan awal yang bagus untuk pemikiran strategis : keunggulan biaya secara keseluruhan, diferensiasi dan fokus.

1. Strategi keunggulan biaya secara keseluruhan merupakan strategi yang membuat unit bisni

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